The 1999 silver proof set has numismatic value. Keep reading to learn more about this collectible set.

1999 Silver Proof Set


Type: Silver Proof Set
Year: 1999
Number of Coins: 9
Face Value: $1.91
Issue Price: $31.95
Silver Weight: 1.33826 oz.

The silver 9-piece proof set contains the penny and nickel along with seven silver coins composed of 90% silver. The silver coins include: the dime, half dollar, Connecticut quarter, Delaware quarter, Georgia quarter, New Jersey quarter, and Pennslyvania quarter. The S mint mark can be found on each coin.

Series Location Quantity Minted
1999 S Silver 9-piece Proof Set San Francisco 804,565


This silver 9-piece proof set is worth at least its weight in silver. The silver melt value for this set is $42.58. This melt value is calculated from the current silver spot price of $31.82 per ounce.

The 1999 S silver 9-piece proof set in its original government packaging is worth around $100.

Click here to search for 1999 silver proof sets on Amazon.



The Red Book

See also:

2000 Silver Proof Set
1998 Silver Proof Set
1997 Silver Proof Set